Personal, social and health education

Judaism and Shabbat Class Assembly
Script for 15/20 minute shabbat class assembly. Follows a Jewish family from Friday afternoon until Saturday morning. Children learn that the important part of Shabbat is spending time with family and friends. Parts for 30 children. Songs to the tune of Sia’s cheap thrills and Frère Jacque. 30 speaking parts. (This can easily be cut down by reducing the number of narrators)
Extract from first scene
Scene 1 – Meeting Mr and Mrs Cohen
Narrator 1: Welcome to 4G’s assembly on Judaism and Shabbat
Narrator 2: Today, we are going to take you inside the house of the Cohen’s. A Jewish family
who live on Primrose hill, not too far from our school .
(Mr and Mrs Cohen unfreeze. They are cleaning the house. )
Narrator 3: It is Friday afternoon and this is Mr and Mrs Cohen.
Narrator 4 They have been working hard all day at work and now they are working hard at home getting ready for Shabbat to arrive.
Narrator 5: Mr and Mrs Cohen love Shabbat so they don’t mind all the extra work!
All: Shalom Mr and Mrs Cohen
Narrator 4: (Whispering to audience) Shalom means hello in Hebrew.
Narrator 5: And goodbye
Narrator 4: Yes it also means goodbye. Shalom
Narrator 5: Shalom
Narrator 4: Shalom
Narrator 5: Shalom
N 4 + 5: This is confusing.
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